Was tun, wenn Ihr Hund Weihnachts-Schokolade gegessen hat?

What to do if your dog has eaten Christmas chocolate?

The Christmas season has many delicious things, such as chocolate, cookies and other sweets. But chocolate is dangerous for dogs because it contains theobromine and caffeine. These substances are toxic to dogs. If your dog has eaten a piece of chocolate, don't panic! Here are the steps you can take:


Step 1: Find out how much and what kind of chocolate it was

There are many types of chocolate, and they have different amounts of theobromine:

  • Dark chocolate and baking chocolate are the most dangerous because they contain a lot of theobromine.
  • Milk chocolate has less, but in large quantities it is also dangerous.
  • White chocolate has almost no theobromine, but it can still cause problems because of sugar and fat.


Estimate how much chocolate your dog ate and what kind it was. This information is important for the vet.


Step 2: How heavy is your dog?

The size of the dog is also important. Small dogs can quickly have problems, even with small amounts of chocolate. Larger dogs are not affected as quickly.


Step 3: Look for symptoms of poisoning

Symptoms may appear after 6 to 12 hours. These are:

  • vomiting or diarrhea
  • Restlessness, the dog appears nervous or active
  • Rapid breathing or palpitations
  • tremors or seizures


If your dog shows these symptoms, call your veterinarian immediately.


Step 4: Contact the veterinarian or a hotline

Even if your dog has no symptoms, it is better to ask the vet. Tell them how big the dog is, what kind of chocolate he ate, how much and when. The vet will tell you what to do or whether you need to come to the practice.


Step 5: No self-treatment without a veterinarian

Some people try to induce vomiting or give activated charcoal at home, but this can be dangerous if not done properly. Talk to your vet before doing anything.


How to prevent it in the future

  • Always keep chocolate out of your dog’s reach.
  • Explain to guests and family members why dogs are not allowed to eat chocolate.
  • Give your dog special dog treats so he can enjoy the holidays too.


The holiday season is a wonderful time, but remember to keep your dog safe. If your dog has eaten chocolate, act quickly. Your vet can help you keep your dog healthy and able to enjoy the holidays safely.


We wish you and your dog a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


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